Isabelle MAME 1975It is with great sadness that I advise our theatre family of the passing of our beloved Isabelle Irvine on Tuesday 4th April.

Isabelle and her husband Phill have been members of the Group since 1971 when Isabelle joined the Production team for Carousel. Their photos first appear together in the program for Mame in 1975 and their participation with the Arcadians Theatre Group has been continuous over the years.

As well as backstage, Isabelle was an accomplished actress being on stage for My Fair Lady, Hitz of the Blitz and other major productions. She loved doing the Club Shows whenever the opportunity arose.

She was President of the Ladies Auxiliary and an active member for many years.

Isabelle will be more recently remembered for her smiling face and quick wit in the hair, wig and make-up department; often breaking up our cast backstage in the dressing room. Her contribution to training and passing on her knowledge to members in these crafts has been enormous; skills that will be remembered for life. Her happy approach to life extended to her family, Grandchildren and the many friends she made.

Isabelle Mar 21It is always sad when you lose someone close and Isabelle will be surely missed by her Arcadians family – past and present. Her cheery welcome, kindness and beautiful smile will always be remembered. And her accent!

Our condolences go to Phill, Christopher (CJ), Nicole, grandchildren Sienna, Sophe and Poppy and extended family at this time. Our thoughts are with you all.